Title: Mahendra Singh Dhoni - a Bio-Sketch. Objective: To be able to collect information about Dhoni and write his bio-sketch. Step-I Collect information about M.S. Dhoni You may include: (i) his birth, birth place year etc. (ii) his family background, education (iii) his education, interests and inspiring personality (iv) his entry into the field of cricket (v) his career as a cricketer (vi) his achievements, awards, honours (vii) his personal life Step-II : Select the important information to be included in the sketch. Select important points which will motivate and inspire sports persons to take up the game. Step-III : Imagine that you are Dhoni. A journalist wants to write your biography. What important things would you like to be included in the biography? Step-IV : Write a bio-sketch based on your information.
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